Exhibited in:
Antikmusset, Århus 2018
Thisted Kunstbygning 2017
Pink, Pop, Polykrom 2015
‘The rythmic arrangement of filters’ are in a constant flow of transformation. Over time I have added more patterns and more colours. The filters consist of a series of patterned acrylic sheets and coloured boards. The pattern is built up of shadings that create different triangular shapes and combinations. By working with the hatchings on both sides of acrylic sheet a three-dimensional effect occurs that gives a flickering effect as the viewer changes position. As the coloured shading overlaps different colours are created and the original forms dissolve to allow new ones to emerge. Classic forms of artistic expression — hatchings, geometric composition and colour blends form the basis for the work. The design appears to both banal and refined and it colourfully positions in a version of the present time. That said it is still with one foot firmly placed in the Bauhaus and one in Postmodernism.
The filters have been shown in several exhibitions. For the first time at the group exhibition ‘Pink, Pop, Polykrom’ in Nicolai Kolding in 2015. The exhibition showed work from fithteen lectures from Kolding School of Design, all concerning colour.
“When we say colour matters. We mean that it really matters. At Design School Kolding, we work with colour in all sorts of ways. From the shaded monochrome scale to loud primary colours. We work with colours in relation to specific products. We work with the importance of colour and our perception is vital to how we communicate. We love colour. We love colours. And we need them too. Although the sense of smell was one of the most important sources of information in the pre-historic era, sight has become the dominant sense. And as hunters and gatherers in the early days of our evolution we experienced a myriad of hues and forms in the landscape and movement. All of this has become embedded part of our genetic code. And now, in our current state of evolution, vision is the primary source for all our experiences. Indeed current research into marketing has reported that approximately 80 % of what we assimilate through the senses is visual. We hunger for the new. Our nervous system needs input and stimulation. And if you don’t believe this just imagine how debilitating the effects of solitary confinement in jails are. Colour addresses one of our basic neurological needs for stimulation.”
From the catalogue.